7 Thyroid Symptoms in Women, Which Could imply A More Serious Issue

Your thyroid is like the popular girl in your middle school. It is the one that controls all of the other organs around it and when it is upset, everything is unleashed...

7 Thyroid Symptoms in Women, Which Could imply A More Serious Issue

Your thyroid is like the popular girl in your middle school. It is the one that controls all of the other organs around it and when it is upset, everything is unleashed.

It's a tiny gland located at the base of your neck that is responsible for each the bodily processes. Therefore, it's no surprise that there are a myriad of problems that can be caused by this gland when it suddenly stops releasing adequate thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism) or produces excessive amounts (hyperthyroidism).

The most gruesome aspect is that the symptoms of thyroid disorders are similar to those of many other conditions. "Thyroid issues can go remain undiagnosed for an extended amount of time" states Valentina Rodriguez M.D. is an endocrinologist with NYU Langone Health. "Symptoms vary from person patient, and they can appear suddenly or slowly, which is why they're difficult to recognize."

But, it's important to be aware of the symptoms you are likely to experience since thyroid disorders are significantly more prevalent among women. One out of eight women will suffer from a thyroid condition in her lifetime According to American Thyroid Association, and women are between five and eight times more than men to experience thyroid issues. Also, between 10 and 20 percent of women in their 30s suffer from thyroid problems, according to Eve Feinberg, M.D. Professor of reproductive endocrinology and fertility at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

Untreated thyroid issues are a huge strain on other organs in your body including your heart, according to Rodriguez. Also, living with symptoms of a damaged thyroid is a real pain. These are thyroid-related symptoms for women to take note of

1 Changes in weight

A thyroid that is not functioning properly slows the bodily functions of your body which includes metabolism, according to Rodriguez. "Your body's instructed to stop the engine to everything" Rodriguez says. "And lots of women put on weight due to this."

If you're suffering from hyperthyroidism you could experience the opposite. "Now the thyroid gland is in the clutch, which means that a number of functions are speeding up," she says. Hyperthyroidism can cause unexplained weight loss. "A many women don't wish to get treated for hyperthyroidism, because they view losing weight as a positive thing, but they have to be treated because the excessive production of the hormone can be detrimental to the body, particularly those with heart disease," Rodriguez says.

2 Blood pressure abnormalities

It is constantly in communication with the heart which affects the speed or rate at which it beats. If you suffer from hypothyroidism, the heart's rate will be lower than normal, which impacts a myriad of other organs as well as the body's functions.

When you have hyperthyroidism it's the opposite: your heart rate increases to a great extent. "Either scenario could result in the heart failing," says Rodriguez. "Especially in the event that your heart rate is racked up for an extended period of time, the additional stress can be dangerous."

3 The new bathroom routines

Another system in the body that is prone to slowing down in hypothyroidism concerns the gut, Rodriguez says. It is possible that you're not using the bathroom as often, or you're really constipated. If you suffer from hyperthyroidism, you might frequent the bathroom and discover that your poo isn't very solid.

4 Fatigues

Hypothyroidism wipes you out. "Your energy control and balance are less efficient," says Rodriguez. Perhaps a long working day wears your body more than it did previously or the exercise routines you once enjoyed are too tiring today. The fatigue feeling can cause weight gain due to hypothyroidism.

When you suffer from hyperthyroidism, you're usually exhausted, but it can also cause fatigue, according to Rodriguez. If you're feeling uneasy or feel like you've had numerous cups of coffee throughout the day it can make you feeling exhausted when you're finished with your day. Your body will only be at its peak before it requires taking a break. Hyperthyroidism does not provide the balance you need.

5 The mood changes

Hypothyroidism can alter the way your brain works and significantly influence your mood, claims Rodriguez. Depression is a condition that many women suffer from, and it is often difficult to determine that thyroid hormones are in the process, because depression can cause the signs of hypothyroidism.

If you suffer from hyperthyroidism, your mood may change in other ways. "People may feel as if they're thinking at a million miles per minute, they're stressed and angry, as well as anxious," says Rodriguez. Both conditions can cause you to feel overwhelmed both mentally and emotionally, which is why it's beneficial to seek treatment for mental health including talk therapy alongside medical care.

6 Problems with periods

Do you notice your periods are suddenly heavier than usual? It could be an indication of hypothyroidism says Rodriguez. Your thyroid is also a factor in your cycle, and if something isn't right, you'll notice changes in your normal cycle.

The opposite can happen. You might experience lighter periods than you're used or disappear in a couple of months without warning.

7 Skin and hair changes

Hypothyroidism can cause skin and hair to become very dry (major sadness). If you find yourself unable to get enough moisture or notice that your hair is becoming dry breakage, it could be an indication of hypothyroidism. Both conditions--hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism--can cause hair to thin, unfortunately.

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